I’m having a bit of an identity crisis. It’s not me that’s struggling to find myself, rather, it’s this blog. I think the premise of cooking my way through The Silver Palate has become limiting and will continue to be so moving forward.
It’s been weeks since I cooked from the book and, quite honestly, I’ve realized many of the recipes are outdated with their heavy reliance on mayonnaise, cream and butter. Not to say there aren’t many wonderful recipes from The Silver Palate because there absolutely are and I still plan to try out quite a few, but the time has come to “rebrand.” I want to find a new name that will allow me to continue in my culinary pursuits, wherever that may lead me, without leveraging another’s brand value to do so.
That said this new name continues to elude me so I’m asking you, my readers, for any suggestions. Being so attached to my red hair, I would love to weave in something to speak to the color of my hair or the flare of my temper. If I could hit on the process, or journey, of learning to know one’s way around a kitchen – something to speak to a desire to improve – that would be great, but I also know I can’t get greedy.
Some of the front runners thus far have been Ginger Thyme, The Fiery Fork, Copper Kitchen, The Crimson Cook and The Ginger Gourmand. Please, if you have ideas for me, I am all ears. Leave me a comment here or shoot me an email.
This week’s recipe for Zucchini Salad with Sunflower Seeds was adapted ever so slightly from a summertime issue of Bon Appétit magazine.
Zucchini Salad with Sunflower Seeds
Serves 4
2 zucchinis, peeled or cut into strings with a vegetable peeler or mandolin
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste
1/4 crumbled feta, the kind that’s in brine
1/4 chopped basil
1/4 cup salted, roasted sunflower seeds
Mix lemon juice and olive oil and season to taste with salt and pepper. Toss with strips or strands of zucchini and then top with feta, chopped basil and sunflower seeds.
Looks delicious! I love zucchini but am always stumped for cool new ways to prepare it. I will definitely be trying this one!